Anua Clean Air International offers proven, patented clean air bio-technologies,which provide best-in-class process performance with the lowest utility and life cycle costs.
Anua Clean Air International manufactures and installs Mónafil, Mónashell and CrumRubber biofiltation systems. These are patented proven systems for the treatment of municipal and industrial odour and VOC air emissions.
We have tested and proven installations right across the globe with proven capabilities in air purification and odour abatement in a wide variety of sectors:
Wastewater Treatment Industry
Wastewater Pumping Stations
Wastewater Inlet Works
Solid Waste Handling, Treatment
and Storage Processes
Food/Agri Industry
Animal By-products Processes
Industrial Effluent Treatment
Municipal Solid Waste
Green Waste and MSW Composting
Mechanical and Biological Treatment
Facilities -
Aerobic Treatment Centres
Pharmaceutical/Petro Chemical/
Printing & Coating/Other Industries
Industrial Process Emissions
Industrial Effluent Treatment
Mónashell EBF has also been used in the following industries:
Aircraft Maintenance
Metal Coating